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With cloud-based software, there is no need for a lengthy and expensive process of implementation. You can get the applications you need quickly and with very little disruption to your daily operations.

Today’s IT manager is no longer relegated to a server room in the back of the office, cranking out code and managing user requests. The IT manager is involved in every aspect of running the business, because every team and department are dependent on technologies to do their jobs. From finance to operations, customer service to executive communications, nothing gets done in today’s business without IT.

Victor is one such IT manager, responsible for all of the systems and applications that support performance across his organization. He oversees all of the software installation, updating, upgrading, support, and maintenance for his company’s operating systems and other software applications. Victor is also charged with identifying any inefficiencies that exist there and making recommendations for improvements that will benefit performance.

Selecting software is a critical career decision for the IT Manager

Victor recently needed to select a new ERP solution. His business had changed considerably, and the company had outgrown their current software systems. The systems were antiquated, weren’t scalable, and needed too much hands-on maintenance work to keep them going. The outdated systems were causing too much downtime for the business, and the reporting was overly complicated and time-consuming.

Victor had a limited knowledge of ERP, CRM, and BI software and needed help getting a grasp on the advantages and disadvantages of various potential solutions. He knew his company was looking for a system that easily integrated with their other business software, and the ability to customize a system to meet their unique needs was important. But Victor also understood that managing the customization, integration, and maintenance of a new ERP system in-house was too difficult and expensive to consider.

IT Managers need to partner with professionals to find the right ERP software

IT managers aren’t always experts on all of the various business software available for BI, finance, sales, marketing, and automation tools. They need to partner with software professionals who know the ins and outs of various solutions like ERP and CRM.

Victor turned to the NexTec Group for help. First, NexTec helped this IT manager understand how cloud-based ERP software could help bring them the integration capabilities, flexibility, and ease of maintenance that they required. Since another of Victor’s priorities was acquiring a system that was easy to train with, we focused on finding an ERP solution that was intuitive and fast to learn.

Inevitably, the ERP Victor chose with the help of the NexTec Group met all of his requirements and more. We helped him make the most out of a limited IT budget while delivering a system that offered the advanced BI, analytics capabilities, and advanced reporting that the business needed.

According to Victor, the ERP software he selected with the help of NexTec made him look good! When the technology looks good, the IT manager does, too. NexTec was able to help Victor find and implement a system that met the unique needs of his organization. In addition to a new ERP solution, NexTec helped Victor select and implement a CRM system to help track and capitalize on new sales opportunities.

Victor also enjoyed the fact that NexTec’s corporate culture was a great match for his company. This IT manager appreciated our hearty collection of customer stories to highlight how his business could benefit from our processes and recommendations.

To get started selecting business software like CRM and ERP that make you look good like Victor, IT managers can contact us at the NexTec Group today! [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column column_padding=”no-extra-padding” column_padding_position=”all” background_color_opacity=”1″ background_hover_color_opacity=”1″ el_class=”sidebar formTop” width=”1/4″ tablet_text_alignment=”default” phone_text_alignment=”default”][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1480401936279{padding-top: 20px !important;padding-right: 15px !important;padding-bottom: 20px !important;padding-left: 15px !important;background-color: #003e51 !important;}”]

Looking for a new IT partner?

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